Should your next strategy be an old one?

If you stand back from reading about individual subjects or individual industries then your will spot a growing trend that is shaping the future.
Not emerging, but fully upon us is an inherent want to revive previous products and previous ways of doing things, sometimes in a new and updated way but sometimes in their original form.
Let's look at some examples and their drivers.


Clearly books moved on, Kindle and other readers stormed the market and brought great advantages in convenience and accessibility, but they last something important that books have, the experience of touching, handling, smelling a real book. Maybe one of the big things about a book wasnt the content but there feeling around the book itself.


Now seeing a revival, the iPod changed how people listen to music and brought the convenience of having all your music at your fingertips. And now streaming services like Spotify take it a step further.

But now vinyl makes a comeback as users realise that in digitising their music they lost the experience and feeling listening to music on vinyl brought.
A change brought in a different way but the now known impact of plastics is seeing customers move from supermarket purchases to milk deliveries from their local milkman. No one saw that shift coming.

So the same question remains. Should your next strategy be an old one?

About the author
James Scutt |
James is an eminent Customer Experience XM leader and strategist with a unique value proposition spanning sales, operations, technology, culture change and the hospitality industry. A Non-executive Director and keynote speaker, James is the founder of &