
We are always on the look out for guest authors. Its a great way to get your article seen and shared, improving your online presence and industry credability. 

We will, of course credit you at the end of the article as the author and setup an "Author Profile" page with the info you give us, and also share your article and profile page on our twitter and Lindedin channels. 

If you would like to publish your article on, please complete the submission form below and we will be in touch.

Some guidence on writing your article:
  • As a guide, your article should be a minimum of 500 words with a maximum word count of around 3,000
  • No more that 3 URLs should be included in each article.
    • Although this depends on the length of the article.
    • Very frequent use of lots of URLs can put readers off.
  • Excessive promoting of a product/company/individual doesnt sit well with readers. 
    • Although you may be using an article to promote a company, product or yourself, and thats fine, you need to give readers more information and context around your industry for example. Research shows articles that are insightful and offer good context get more shares and engagement.
  • We recommend that you compose your article using an application such as Word and then copy and paste the text into the contribution form.
    • On some browsers forms can time out, resulting in you losing your work.
  • Dont spend time making titles and heading different sizes and colours, you can conly submit plain text articles, we will take care of the formatting ensureing it fits with the overall website branding.
  • If you have a particular image you would like us to use as the featured image for your article, please upload it when you submit your article. Only popular file types will be accepted by our system. Company logos are acceptable but try and keep the amount of text in any image to a minimum. 
By using our website and contributing your content you agree to our Terms and Conditions.

(At the end of this form there is a link to set up an Author Profile)

If you missed the link to set up an Author Profile...