Why should you bring Customer Centricity into focus?

Customer Experience Management continues to be an effective competitive differentiator for most organisations, whether the organisation recognises it or not, their customers certainly do. The centricity level of employees can be measured in a number of ways, but could Customer Centricity specifically be the place we really should be measuring and taking action?

Customer Centricity is sometimes only really talked about by colleagues who are working in a cultural setting. Customer Experience management programmes have always held on to the question “how Customer Centric is my organisation?”, but that question specifically is rarely answered in a robust way.

According to the Customer Institute, 70% of today’s corporate board members lack CX knowledge and the real level of customer centricity across an organisation can be a complete unknown. A lack of knowledge in any business subject will undoubtedly see that area be one of the lowest performing areas of the business. Customer Experience is not an area of a business you want to have “unknowns” within.

A fast-growing organisation, the Customer Institute, now looks to close this knowledge gap with a range of services, one of which is a Customer Centricity Assessment.  

A thorough assessment, supported by industry experts will provide a robust measurement of company-wide customer centricity capabilities with the assessment method, reviewed and certified by the Customer Institute themselves and their Board of Directors who hold a wealth of knowledge across multiple industry settings.

Following the assessment, which covers the capabilities and maturity of your organisation, the Customer Institute will award either a silver, gold, or platinum level outcome. The certification can be displayed using the appropriate logo which is then valid for two years.

The Centricity Assessment however is far more than a professional logo, it forms the basis of an organisations customer experience improvement programme and ensures that focus is being put towards the right business areas, ensuring resources are allocated to the right place to gain the highest impact.

You can find more details on the Customer Institutes Customer CentricityAssessment at their website https://customer-institute.org/cicca/


About the Customer Institute

The Customer Institute is an independent global organisation setting the gold standard for customer experience, as well as enabling and recognising excellence in customer centricity.

The Customer Institute’s leadership team brings together thought leaders, lecturers, innovators, consultants, and practitioners from all fields of customer centricity. Our board of directors is second to none in its combined expertise and span across experience champions from around the globe.

The Customer Institute is not-for-profit. All directors and members of the leadership team monitor their investment in time and other contributions and the fees charged to certification clients and members are purely to cover these costs. Any surplus is reinvested back into the institute.
