How to create a FREE Voice of Customer system

If you have a small business, you could be forgiven for thinking that creating a voice of customer system might be out of your reach and above the limitation of your wallet. But you can do it for free!.  The fact is, even small amounts of data, collected free, can give you some very valuable insights that your can form into actions and improve experiences for your customers so its well worth seeing feedback from your customers.

We have created a detailed step by step guide you can follow, to create a survey just like this one.  You can find the download link later in this post.

Here are the steps to creating your own free voice of customer system.

1. Find a free vehicle to collect responses from your customers. 

Look no further than Google. Sign up for a free Google account and go to Google Forms. Here you can create a survey very easily and have it ready to go in a few minutes.

2. Decide on the questions you need to ask.  

Think ahead to what the answers will be and if you cannot take action from the answers, don't waste time asking them the question. Remember, customers time is precious and they don't work for you, keep your survey as short as possible to avoid drop outs.

3. Invite your customers to your survey.. 

Get some business cards printed, put up some posters and put the link on your website and email signatures, anywhere your customers will see that you care what they think.

4. Download and analyse the results. 

This is easier than you think and Google will do it all for you.  As your responses come in Google automatically adds them to your report and shows you some graphical charts to make it easier to understand your results.

5. Make changes to your business depending on what customers tell you.

You have asked your customer and they have told you what they think, now they expect you to take action upon what they have said.  This is the vital step, don't be dismissive if you don't agree with something one of your customers has said.  Take it in the spirit is has been given to you and work out what you can do about it.  

Here is a live example of the survey you could create as detailed in my guide. Have a go and leave some test feedback to see how it works.


Good luck :-)

About the author
James Scutt |
James is an eminent Customer Experience XM leader and strategist with a unique value proposition spanning sales, operations, technology, culture change and the hospitality industry. A Non-executive Director and keynote speaker, James is the founder of &