Very Simple Guide to Microsoft Teams

With the onset of Coronovirus Covid-19 across the world, millions of people are now working from home and are being asked to use Microsoft Teams to collaborate and meet.

Simple for those used to the technology, but like anything, when you know, its easy.

Here is a very simple guide to the basics you need to know to schedule or join a Microsoft Teams Meeting.

Schedule a Teams Meeting in Outlook (Desktop program)

  • Open your Outlook calendar and schedule an invite as usual. 
  • Click “Teams Meeting” (Fig 1)

Fig 1
  • This will add a "Join Microsoft Teams Meeting" link to your invite (Fig 2)
  • Send your invite as usual
Fig 2

Join a Teams Meeting

  • Open your Outlook calendar and open the meeting. 
  • Click the “Join Microsoft Teams Meeting” (Fig 2)
  • Select your personal options as show n (Fig 3)
Fig 3
  • Click the “join Now” button (Fig 4)
Fig 4
! Remember to turn your laptop microphone and speaker on !

While in the Meeting

  • Move your mouse and the control panel will appear (Fig 5)
Fig 5

Hints & Tips

  • Use a headset, it makes the call clearer for you and others
  • Teams is better using a desktop program: Downloads page
  • There is a Teams App for your mobile: IOS Apple  |  Andriod Google

Further resources