Jill Spencer (Author Profile)

Author Profile

Jill is Associate Director at React CX and Global Chair of MSPA (Mystery Shopping Professionals Association). She has worked as a Customer Experience specialist at senior level since 2000, having previously earned a strong reputation for expertise in this arena whilst working in varied and challenging roles for UK blue chip retailers.

Over the past 20 years, Jill’s core objective has been to raise the profile of customer service in business. It is a testament to her passion and commitment for the subject that the businesses Jill has worked for, and in partnership with, now place customer service at the very top of their boardroom agenda.

Her more recent work focused largely on the engagement and education of frontline workers. By raising the level of understanding that the frontline has – and providing clear leadership and direction relating to individual and team goals – a more engaged work force has evolved, as well as a clear movement from a ‘task focused’ to ‘customer centric’ work ethic. Of specific interest at board level, the work also identified clear correlations between higher engagement levels and stronger sales performance across the client organisations that Jill worked with during this study.

Jill has written a series of case studies on the value of mystery shopping, including some high profile return on investment work, and has had several articles published on this subject. She has also spoken at conferences throughout the world on the topic of Customer Experience. Jill has worked as a board member of MSPA Europe/Africa since 2012, and was appointed President in 2017. In January 2019 Jill was appointed as Chair of the MSPA Global Board.

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